PT. LINTANG ASIA SAMUDRA (LISA) prepared qualified workforce for every needs to countries in need for workforce. We currently send workforce to Europe, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Malaysia for various field of works such as caregiver, housemaid, farming, factory work, fishing vessel and construction jobs.
Our recruitment department is capable to select and provide seasoned and qualified with the best personality also good service records Master, Mates, Engineer, Cooks, Stewards, Deck Hand, etc. We are committed to give you the best service for what your company needs with utmost hospitality and integrity since we are committed to prepare the workers with language of their interest so they have understanding of their work and would fulfill the satisfaction of their employers.
We, PT. LINTANG ASIA SAMUDRA (LISA) are one of the most reputable Crew Manning Agency in Indonesia. Our Company is located at Halmahera st. road 82th Mintaragen, Tegal Timur, Tegal City, Prov. Central Java - INDONESIA, 52121.
With licence Directorate general of marirtim transformation number is AHU - 0051916.AH.01.01.TAHUN 2019, and the legality of the deed of establishment issued
by Notary Abdulloh, SH, M.Kn. With Business Registration Number (NIB) No.0311230161215 registered in OSS.
And with the legality of Ministry of Transportation Directorate General of Sea Transportation for Ship Manning Agency
License Number : SIUKAK 115.115 – I Tahun 2024.

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PT. LINTANG ASIA SAMUDRA (LISA) is one of the crewing agencies in Indonesia for world wide.
We provide crew manning services. And we have a wide selection of the finest crew for various types of fishing vessels, readily available upon request. They are screened by our expert recruiting team.These seafarers are products of the finest maritime schools and training centers in Indonesia and abroad. Our highly qualified personnel from master to deckhand runs most of the types of fishing vessels.